Monday, 16 September 2013

Torn ligaments = blog update!!

Well oh my word I haven't posted anything for simply AGES, you know, sometimes I have things to say and sometimes not.  Then summer holidays get in the way and you start to lose yourself in order to entertain your children.


Baby rabbit in garden, what could possibly go wrong?
So, it took a small rabbit, a maniac dog and torn ligaments to get me to sit still and catch up. I've spent the last day or so walking with a stick and wondering how come I turned into my nan so soon.

Coming up over the next fortnight, which is filling me with panic/excitement is Yarndale.  I'll be sharing my table with the wonderful Nic from Feltipedia, my very talented friend and we'd love you to come up and say hello so we can meet people with a passion for textiles like ours.

I'll have my wheel so if anyone wants to have a spin they're very welcome and both Nic and I will be offering our workshops so please do say hi.

I will try and blog more often, but seeing as I'm crocked I'll probably be back tomorrow!